Akademia zdrowego zycia

At SHA we have a treasure trove, the keys to achieve overall health, and our vocation is to share it with our guests. For this we have created SHA Academy, a daily programme of talks, exercises, walks and conferences, that you can enjoy in a group or privately, so that after your stay in SHA, you can retain the knowledge that will allow you to pursue a healthier life.

The Chief's studio

Our gastronomic menu is very comprehensive. It is intended for those who are visiting SHA and who wish to learn about a healthier diet without compromising on the amount of food nor their gourmet tastes. Although it also follows the principles of the SHA diet and healthy nutrition, the menu is noteworthy for how well all of the dishes in it are prepared and the attention to detail in them.


Our gastronomic menu is very comprehensive. It is intended for those who are visiting SHA and who wish to learn about a healthier diet without compromising on the amount of food nor their gourmet tastes. Although it also follows the principles of the SHA diet and healthy nutrition, the menu is noteworthy for how well all of the dishes in it are prepared and the attention to detail in them.


Our gastronomic menu is very comprehensive. It is intended for those who are visiting SHA and who wish to learn about a healthier diet without compromising on the amount of food nor their gourmet tastes. Although it also follows the principles of the SHA diet and healthy nutrition, the menu is noteworthy for how well all of the dishes in it are prepared and the attention to detail in them.
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